Recent Investigation Reinforces Importance of Improved Hearing for Brain Support Often we talk about ties between hearing and brain health. With both the ears and the brain playing such active roles in sound perception and human connection, it’s no wonder...
No Bones About It: Osteoporosis May Nearly Double Risk of Sudden Hearing Loss
Your Bone Health Is Strongly Linked to Your Hearing Health Hearing loss goes hand in hand with many chronic health issues. Heart health, dementia, and depression get all the press. But osteoporosis has long been known to affect hearing health....
The Hearing Dangers of Smoking and Vaping
While the two most common causes of hearing loss are exposure to loud noise and aging, certain chemicals can damage the inner ear and other physical processes involved in hearing. One major source of harmful chemicals is cigarettes. The dangers...
Dementia & Hearing Loss Go Hand in Hand. What Can You Do?
Get the Scoop as We Celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month If asked about the many ways better hearing enhances your life, what comes to mind? For some, it’s the sounds of nature, game night with family and friends, an...
Erectile Dysfunction and Hearing Loss
Quality of life is something that’s on everyone’s minds these days. How to live better, feel better, and make the most of the relationships and activities we enjoy. It’s no secret that health concerns can present challenges that affect our...
National Heart Month: Are Your Ears & Cardio Health Connected?
Take a Closer Look With These 5 Facts What do hearing and your heart have in common? They both help you experience the world in your own unique way. And with National Heart Month celebrated in February, it’s a great...
Ototoxicity and How to Avoid It
While the two most common culprits of hearing loss are loud noise and age, certain chemicals and medications can also damage the inner ear. This is called “ototoxicity, which literally means “ear poison.” Ototoxicity can lead to hearing loss, tinnitus,...
How Head Injuries Impact Hearing and Balance
The force of a traumatic brain injury (also known as a TBI, concussion, or head injury) can damage or displace the delicate bones of the inner ear, rupture the eardrum, and disrupt parts of the brain responsible for auditory processing....
Early Hearing Testing: 6 Reasons It Matters
There’s an old saying that “Knowing is half the battle,” and that adage couldn’t be truer when it comes to your hearing and quality of life. Hearing loss affects more than your ability to communicate, so we’re sharing six reasons...
How to Wear BTE Hearing Aids and Glasses
As technology advances and “hearables” become more commonplace, one odd fact emerges: We’re putting more and more things behind or in our ears. Whether glasses, headphones, or the latest discreet behind-the-ear hearing device, the area our ears occupy is starting...